Who we are

Amache Alliance is an all-volunteer organization comprised of people with diverse backgrounds who have come together to educate all Americans about the forced evacuation, relocation, and internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. The Amache Alliance works collaboratively with other organizations to highlight the lessons of Japanese American confinement and its relevance to the preservation of liberty and civil rights for all Americans today.
An official National Park Service philanthropic partner and Friends Group for
the Amache National Historic Site in Colorado.

Amache Alliance, a nonprofit California corporation, is exempt from taxation under Internal Revenue Service Code 501(c)(3) and California Revenue and Tax Code 23701d. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
The Amache Alliance is also a registered nonprofit in the state of Colorado.
Supports the Japanese American Confinement Sites Consortium (JACSC). A national network of organizations working to preserve sites and artifacts related to the Japanese American incarceration experience during World War II.
A member of the National Park Foundation Friends Alliance
Continue the vision and education started by the original California Amache Historical Society and Colorado preservation organizations.
The Amache Alliance has been organized with these primary goals:
Help preserve and interpret the Granada War Relocation Center (Amache) National Historic Site;
serving as a powerful place to gather, honor, and heal.​
Educate all Americans about the forced evacuation, relocation, and internment of Japanese Americans by the preservation of Amache’s stories, artifacts and historic structures;
​Opportunity for civic engagement around the violation of US constitutional rights and what is a democracy​.
Present its unique story and relationships with the town of Granada and other supporters.
Work collaboratively with other organizations to highlight the lessons of the Japanese American confinement and its relevance to the preservation of liberty and civil rights for all Americans today.
See the Amache National Historic Site Foundation Document details.